1217 Maximiliana

Discovered by E. Delporte
Discovery site Uccle
Discovery date March 13, 1932
MPC designation 1217
Named after Max Wolf
Alternate name(s) 1932 EC
Epoch May 14, 2008
Ap 2.7167190
Peri 1.9878092
Eccentricity 0.1549379
Orbital period 1317.7334195
Mean anomaly 347.40103
Inclination 5.14819
Longitude of ascending node 148.49693
Argument of peri 91.74383
Physical characteristics
Apparent magnitude 14.39 to 18.13[1]
Absolute magnitude (H) 12.5

1217 Maximiliana (1932 EC) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on March 13, 1932 by E. Delporte at Uccle.

In 1932 there were 188 minor planets discovered.[2]


  1. ^ Magnitudes generated with JPL Horizons for the years 1950 through 2100
  2. ^ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 93, p.269

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